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SocialNrd is Back! .:. “The Need For Exploration”

After one of the most intense semesters of my college career at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities, I’ve finally been set free!
This can only mean one thing… Exploration.

The act of searching or traveling around a terrain for the purpose of discovery of resources or information.

When you are a student, or even a full time employee, your hands can often be tied behind your backs by the work that is not personal and you are obligated to do. This is VERY bad. Why? We all have personal ideas, projects, and and a need for inner exploration. Our obligatory school/career work can often hold us back from opening our eyes to our own creative creative drive and vision for exploration. But I have two words for you… Summer Vacation.

This summer is going to be unlike any other for exploration, for all of us. All of us are in one of the most incredible times in history when the connection network between all of us has become incredibly close. This allows us all to help each other explore our personal creative vision together.

Personally, I’ve some big plans for this summer. Here is just some of my goals for exploration:

  • Creating a infrared gesture keyboard to be installed in major smartphones
  • Building back up and into a finished working product; some major developments are currently in the making.
  • Exploring creative new ways to build demand for the ConnectToMe iOS and Android app as their Social Media Director!
  • Social Media Consulting is really starting to peak my interest!
  • I’m learning to code. Period.
  • Biking down the west coast for three weeks with musical artist Paul Doffing. He’s touring the United States playing at every major city and I will be riding with covering all his social media and video production needs; they’ll literally be be and exploration!
  • 3D HDR Video.
  • And some other fun ideas I cannot discuss quite yet 🙂

Stay exploring my friends.
I’d love to hear what you have in the works or what you’d like to get started; please post them below!
Until next-time Nrds.

Kevin C. Walker